AVR-GCC 14.1.0 for Windows 32 and 64 bit

This is where I’ll be uploading builds of AVR-GCC for Windows 32 and 64 bit, which will also include Binutils, AVR-LibC, AVRDUDE, Make and GDB. I’ll be trying to keep the builds up to date with the latest tool releases when I can.

The binaries are built from source on a Debian virtual machine with MinGW (GCC 9.1.0 and older were built on an Arch Linux VM), apart from AVRDUDE where the pre-built binaries are obtained from the official download area. Both 32 bit and 64 bit Windows binaries are provided. There’s probably no benefit from using the 64 bit stuff, but all the cool kids are doing it so why not.
A bash script for building AVR-GCC, AVR-Binutils, AVR-LibC and AVR-GDB from source is also provided below, making it super easy to build these tools for yourself.

Included tools

Tool Version
GCC 14.1.0
Binutils 2.42
AVR-LibC 2.2.0
GDB 14.2
AVRDUDE 7.2 (Not included in Linux release)
Make 4.2.1 (Not included in Linux release)


avr-gcc-14.1.0-x64-windows.zip (141 MB)
AVG-GCC 14.1.0 Windows x64 (64 bit)
MD5: D82FCC7ADDD19B4005AF4C27ADB1A772
avr-gcc-14.1.0-x86-windows.zip (137 MB)
AVG-GCC 14.1.0 Windows x86 (32 bit)
MD5: 856CFC536800E3E79B95DC188632F577
avr-gcc-14.1.0-x64-linux.tar.bz2 (110 MB)
AVG-GCC 14.1.0 Linux x64
MD5: A1A88C3D375D2FB6F428B743F79B8F69

Older releases can be found [HERE]

Upgrading the Arduino IDE

Upgrading the Arduino IDE is pretty easy, though there could be some incompatibilities with certain libraries. Only tested with Arduino 1.8.13.

  1. Download and extract one of the downloads above
  2. Navigate to your Arduino IDE folder
  3. Go to hardware/tools
  4. Move the avr folder somewhere else, like to your desktop (renaming the folder won’t work, Arduino has some auto-detect thing which sometimes gets confused)
  5. Move the extracted folder from earlier to the tools folder and rename it to avr
  6. Copy bin/avrdude.exe and builtin_tools_versions.txt files and etc folder from the old avr folder to the new one
  7. Done! Open up the Arduino IDE, load up the Blink example, upload it to your Arduino and make sure the LED is blinking!

Build Script

This build script will install the required packages, create directories and build the tools from source and should work on Debian and Ubuntu.

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